Counseling Services
Live Better
Conway Counseling & Wellness Center offers a wide range of counseling services to help our clients live better. Our holistic approach to mental health treatment focuses on developing an individualized plan of counseling services that incorporates physical and mental well-being.
Individual Counseling Services
Working Towards a Better Life
Our counselors work one-on-one with clients in a safe, caring, and confidential environment to help individuals who are going through a difficult time. Individual counseling focuses on providing assistance tailored to your specific needs. No matter the issue you need help overcoming, our skilled counselors are ready to help you.
We offer counseling services, including but not limited to:
- Substance Abuse
- Anxiety
- Anger Management
- Adult ADHD Assessments and Behavioral Modifications
- Depression
- Bipolar
- PTSD and Trauma
- Grief and Loss
- Healing from Divorce or Separation
- Premarital Counseling
- Sexuality Issues
- Chronic Pain and Health Issues
- Weight Management
- Adjusting to Disabilities
Telehealth is just like an in-person session with a therapist, only over phone or video conferencing.
We offer our clients telehealth services as an option for individual counseling sessions. These capabilities allow us to improve access to affordable mental health care, regardless of your ability to come to one of our offices. We are dedicated to ensuring you receive the best possible care with minimal interruptions. Many clients are moving to telehealth services during the COVID-19 crisis to ensure health, safety, and continuity of care.
Anxiety & Depression
Anxiety and Depression are typically the most common reason people seek counseling services. Common signs of anxiety are difficulty sleeping, feeling restless or tense, trouble concentrating, and times of increased heart rate and sweating. Depression for many is experienced as feeling down and loss of interest in things the person used to enjoy, fatigue, changes in sleep, and weight.
All of our providers are trained to work with these areas.
Trauma & PTSD
Helping you safely face both situations and memories that you find frightening so that you can learn to cope with them effectively.
Trauma and PTSD are often thought of as symptoms experienced by those in war, an assault, or first responders. While those are commonly related, trauma and development of PTSD can occur from so many events. Trauma can also seem as if it has been resolved only to show up later in life at unexpected times. If you have experienced something that was traumatic and you would like help processing through that, we have many therapists trained in special interventions such as EMDR and CPT.
Counseling for Couples
Better Communication and Understanding
We work with couples in private counseling sessions to understand conflict and teach couples strategies, tools, and techniques to help overcome negative emotions and conflict in their relationship.
For couples who have made a decision to separate or divorce and need help navigating children, co-parenting, and healing, we are here to help.
We offer counseling related to:
- Pre-martial Counseling
- Divorce and Infidelity
- Open Communication
- Loss of a loved one
- Sexuality Concerns
Family Counseling
Restore Peace and Structure
Families are an important and unique part of our lives that have their own social rules and structure and need unique and specialized counseling care. Constant fighting, bickering, and distressing experiences can destabilize families and create environments that lead to further emotional and mental distress. Dealing with family issues can be stressful and often families feel lost and powerless to change. Family counseling helps to foster open and honest discussion about the conflict in a safe and calm environment.
- Parenting
- Divorce
- Loss
- Co-parenting and parenting with partners
EMDR Therapy
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
EMDR is used to help treat PTSD and other difficult and complicated effects of trauma and overwhelming life experiences, including anxiety and phobias. The therapy process used in EMDR asks you to explore distressing or difficult memories while using eye movements to help you mentally reprocess the emotions related to memory. EMDR also focuses on replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts to encourage mental health and change habits related to traumatic experiences.
Substance Abuse Counseling
Manage Substance Abuse
Substance abuse counseling in an individual and private setting can help you better sort through your substance abuse, habits, and how to make changes in your life to manage substance abuse. Our goal is to help reduce the grip of substance abuse habits and get back to living a life in balance. This can be done by incorporating different approaches, including managing stress in healthy ways, improving relationships, healing from past trauma, as well as practical tools to help break the cycle.
Our counselors have special certifications in substance abuse counseling for substance abuse, as well as compulsive sexual behaviors. Compulsive behavior, whether it is substance abuse or sex, is difficult to overcome on your own. Our counseling sessions focus on sorting through the cycle, identifying triggers, and making action plans and steps to abstain and stop relapse. There are also effective medications now available to assist in the process.
Our offices provide psychiatric services in addition to other therapies. If you are interested in a consultation to determine if medication interventions could be helpful for your concerns, we have a medical team available. Our team has years of training and experience in a wide range of psychiatric conditions.
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
Recover from post-traumatic stress disorder and related conditions.
Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) is a specific type of cognitive-behavioral therapy that has been effective in reducing symptoms of PTSD that have developed after experiencing a variety of traumatic events including child abuse, combat, rape, and natural disasters.
CPT is generally delivered over 12 sessions and helps patients learn how to challenge and modify unhelpful beliefs related to the trauma. In doing so, the patient creates a new understanding and conceptualization of the traumatic event so that it reduces its ongoing negative effects on current life.
Hypnotherapy Services
Deep relaxation to work through core issues
Therapists who receive specialized training may use hypnotherapy with clients experiencing symptoms associated with depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, and others. Hypnotherapy can be a stand-alone or in addition to other treatments the person may be receiving. This type of approach uses different techniques including guided relaxation and changes in focus and/or attention to assist the client in gaining a better awareness of the core causes of symptoms. By gaining better awareness the person and practitioner are able to work toward healing. This approach may not be the best fit for all clients, but many have found it very helpful.
Art Therapy
The use of artistic methods to treat psychological disorders
Art therapy can access centers in the brain, where crisis often makes emotions inaccessible by language. Art therapy uses the creative process of art-making, to gain a greater understanding and awareness of oneself, ones’ relationship with others, and ones’ ability to cope, problem solve and learn how to better attain ones’ hopes and dreams.
Play Therapy
A form of therapy used to process emotions or articulate problems to others without using language.
Play therapy uses a variety of treatment models including sand tray therapy and has been used to treat all ages from anything from anxiety, relational issues, depression, traumatic stress, to behavioral issues. Some potential benefits of play therapy are taking more responsibility for certain behaviors, developing coping strategies and creative problem-solving skills, self-respect, empathy and respect for others, alleviation of anxiety, learning to fully experience and express feelings, and stronger social skills and stronger family relationships.
Somatic Experiencing
Body-oriented approach to the healing of trauma and other stress disorders.
The Somatic Experiencing® method releases traumatic shock, which is key to transforming PTSD and the wounds of emotional and early developmental attachment trauma. It can be particularly helpful for both physical and psychological symptoms related to trauma, grief, anxiety, depression, abuse, and other emotional distress, including chronic pain, digestive concerns, muscle tension and pain, sleep problems, and respiratory issues.